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Currently 3321 Materials available from stock



6 results were found.
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Item Brand Type Group Quality Colour/RAL Quantity Status
239099 Amodel AS-1145 HS NT PA/PPA reinforced Regranulates NC/natural 1713 kg On Stock go to article
240660 Amodel AS-4133 HS PA/PPA reinforced Regranulates NC/natural 1250 kg On request go to article
245538 Amodel AT-1116 HS NT PA/PPA reinforced New goods NC/natural 55 kg On request go to article
246762 Amodel AS-1145 HS PA/PPA reinforced Regranulates NC/natural 973 kg On request go to article
245268 Amodel A-1133 HS PA/PPA reinforced New goods

25 kg On Stock go to article
251754 Lubricomp UFL36 SXC PA/PPA reinforced Regranulates

10000 kg On request go to article