+49 6151 3093-0
Currently 3358 Materials available from stock
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Trade name | Manufacturer | Distributor/Dealer in Germany | Class | |
Abistir | So.F.Ter | Dolder-Bigler | ABS | to stock |
Aceso | TotalEnergies | Nordmann, Rassmann GmbH | PP | to stock |
Acrylite | Cyro | z.Zt. nicht bek. | PMMA | to stock |
Acryplas | Wanhua | Nordmann, Rassmann GmbH | PMMA | to stock |
Acryrex | Chi Mei | Biesterfeld | PMMA | to stock |
Acryrex | Chi Mei | Westensee+Partner | PMMA | to stock |
Acrystex | Chi Mei | Westensee+Partner | SMMA | to stock |
Acrystex | Chi Mei | Biesterfeld | PMMA | to stock |
Addilene | Addiplast | Addiplast | PP Compounds | to stock |
Addinyl | Addiplast | Addiplast | PA | to stock |
Adflex | LyondellBasell | Ultrapolymers | PP | to stock |
Adflex | LyondellBasell | Chemie-Plast | PP | to stock |
Adstif | LyondellBasell | Ultrapolymers | PP | to stock |
Adstif | LyondellBasell | Albis | PP | to stock |
Adstif | LyondellBasell | Chemie-Plast | PP | to stock |
Adsyl | LyondellBasell | Ultrapolymers | PP | to stock |
Affinity | DOW | Nexeo Solutions | Metallocene | to stock |
Affinity | DOW | Resinex | Metallocene | to stock |
Akrolen | Akro | Feddersen | PP Compounds | to stock |
Akromid | Akro | Feddersen | PA | to stock |