+49 6151 3093-0
Currently 3358 Materials available from stock
The content of this database was created to the best of our knowledge and is maintained by PRO-plast Kunststoff GmbH. The content and structure of this database are protected by copyright. Use for your own purposes requires the prior consent of PRO-plast Kunststoff GmbH. The presentation does not claim to be complete, up-to-date or free of errors. We expressly reserve the right to errors. We are grateful for additional/corrective information.
Trade name | Manufacturer | Distributor/Dealer in Germany | Class | |
Okiten | Dioki | Sellcon-Polymers | PE | to stock |
OnFlex S | PolyOne | PolyOne/Bergmann | TPE-S (SBS, SEBS, SEPS) | to stock |
OnFlex U | PolyOne | PolyOne/Bergamnn | TPU | to stock |
OnFlex V | PolyOne | PolyOne/Bergmann | PP-EPDM | to stock |
Orgalloy | Arkema | Arkema | PA/PE | to stock |
Orgalloy | Arkema | Dolder-Bigler | PA/PE | to stock |
Orgalloy | Arkema | Resinex | PA/PE | to stock |
Oromid | Rhodia | Nexeo Solutions | PA | to stock |