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Currently 3358 Materials available from stock



11 results were found.
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Item Brand Type Group Quality Colour/RAL Quantity Status
246727 Solef 1008 PVDF unreinforced Regranulates NC/natural 2000 kg On Stock go to article
249760 Solef 6012 PVDF unreinforced New goods NC/natural 175 kg On request go to article
249761 Dyneon 6012 PVDF unreinforced New goods NC/natural 75 kg On request go to article
249939 Kynar 720E PVDF unreinforced New goods NC/natural 375 kg On Stock go to article
252072 Dyneon 6008 PVDF unreinforced New goods

12500 kg On request go to article
251711 Solef 6008 PVDF unreinforced New goods

25 kg On Stock go to article
251801 Kynar 720 PVDF unreinforced Regranulates NC/natural 550 kg On Stock go to article
253561 Solef 1006 PVDF unreinforced New goods

8100 kg On request go to article
254113 Solef 90615/2002 PVDF unreinforced New goods natural/transp. 3000 kg On request go to article
254404 Kynar 720E PVDF unreinforced New goods NC/natural 100 kg On Stock go to article
254459 Kynar 720E PVDF unreinforced New goods NC/natural 50 kg On Stock go to article